Who We Are...

Who We Are

Newberg First Presbyterian Church is a community of grace, hope, and love. We come together to be refreshed by God’s love and empowered to love the most vulnerable in our world. We have a special heart for children, youth, and young adults and a love for the city of Newberg and George Fox University. We are located near the heart of the city, just a few blocks from George Fox. Our commitment is to grow as friends and followers of Jesus, deepening our spiritual formation and mission efforts in this world. We are grateful to be a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) denomination, with its focus on inclusion, spirituality, mission, and justice work.

What to Expect...

What To Expect

Our worship service during the school year starts at 10:30 AM. We have plenty of parking. Parents with young kids can expect a childcare provider to meet you outside as you approach the sanctuary. Babies and toddlers can be dropped off with the childcare providers in the beginning of the service or at anytime during worship. Kids ages 4 to 12 are invited to attend KIDZ Church midway through our morning worship service prior to the sermon. Feel free to come to church in casual clothes or dress up.

Our worship service begins with a warm welcome from our pastor and announcements. The style of worship is a blend between modern and traditional. We have modern worship songs led with guitar and piano and traditional hymns. The sermon is engaging, rooted in Scripture, and relatable. We have a wonderful choir that sings most Sundays and we often have special music. We take time every Sunday to lift up praise and prayer concerns using an open microphone. We finish our service with the passing of the peace and hugs.

After worship, everyone is invited to enjoy great food and refreshments at our fellowship hall. This is a community that like to hang out and talk. Come join us and share your story!